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  • Colin Blake

Time for change...

Map of the isle of wight
The Isle of Wight

I've had 20 amazing years living in the Garden of England but life has chapters and I'm ready for my next one!

But how do you leave somewhere so beautiful? Only by going somewhere as beautiful or more beautiful

So Senior Surf is off to ……………………….The Isle of Wight!

Yep, I'm swapping the rolling hills of the beautiful South East for the stunning coastal locale of 'The Island' (as the locals call it). Whilst I'm very sad to say goodbye to my brilliant customers who’ve done so much to help me set up Senior Surf, I'm excited to move to pastures new and experience all that the amazing Island has to offer.

For Senior Surf it’s certainly an island where I think my services could help and support the local population!

Over a quarter of the Island's residents are senior, that's over 65, and this is set to increase. Interestingly, if the Island was a country it would be the second oldest country in the world!! Only Japan is statistically older.

I've been visiting friends on the island for many years and from what I've seen and heard they love their technology! Walking around Ventnor, Bembridge and Yarmouth I've been impressed by the number of tablets, smartphones and even laptops I've seen older people using. Whether its in coffee shops browsing the internet, out on the beaches taking photos or using mobiles to pay for food and drinks in bars, the local population seems to have firmly embraced the digital revolution!

Having said that, my experience has taught me that even when elderly people are happily tech-savvy there are often still some tasks that crop up, or some new software or website that foxes people!

As I look to set up Senior Surf on the Isle of Wight I hope that my one-to-one tutoring and private training will be as well received and as beneficial to my new communities as they have been "on the mainland" (see! Already thinking like a local!)

Isle of Wight seniors – I look forward to hearing from you soon and getting to meet as many of you as possible! Japan might be the oldest country in the world, but I hope we can make the island more tech savvy than Japan and show them how it's done!

"It's certainly an island where I think my services could help and support the local population"
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